Ocean Grove Association Fall Newsletter – 2023

Greetings to All,

I’d like to introduce our new Ocean Grove Manager, Candace Mangold.  (now retired)

Candace has been a business owner, past-president of her children’s PTA and other positions that make her a great fit to manage our HOA. Please be courteous of her time which is limited.  As a business owner, wife and mother of two children, we are extremely grateful to her for taking on this position.

A note regarding our Annual Meeting in NOVEMBER:

The Board approved a motion this year to move from a fiscal year to a calendar year which will end on December 31, 2023. Therefore, the annual meeting with the election of new Board members and approval of the Budget by the membership will be moved to Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 2pm. The meeting will be held at the Jefferson County Library with a zoom conference for those who prefer to join virtually. More information will be shared as we get closer to the date of the meeting.

We will be sending a proxy form to each member in mid-October asking you to vote on candidates and approve, or reject, the budget. You’ll be able to review the suggested budget and candidate bios prior to the meeting and, by doing it this way, we’ll be able to share the results at the annual meeting. Please reply to the email when you receive it so that we may tally your vote! Remember that you have one vote for each lot you own.

If the budget is approved by the members of our community, your annual assessment (dues) will be due at the first of the year and considered late by March 31, 2024.

Ocean Grove Website:

We are working to update our website with new information. Please have patience. After my email was hacked twice this year, with a plea for money from whomever hacked it, we have removed the email addresses of all Board members until we can ensure its security. More on that as we (hopefully) solve the problem. If you need to reach someone on the Board, please route your query to Candace and she will forward it.

Kayak Rack at Adelma Beach:

A huge thanks to Liz and John Barnes for the design, construction and installation of a kayak rack at Adelma Beach. The rack will hold 8 kayaks and it’s first come, first served. If there’s a huge demand, we’ll address adding another one, space permitting.

My term as President ends on November 5 and I will not seek re-election. I stepped in to finish this year for someone who left the Board before the end of their term. My next challenge is as a leader for the Jefferson County Medical Reserves, a national organization with a chapter in Jefferson County that will help out locally when requested by emergency services.

Which brings me to the subject of disasters (sorry – they happen!)….. Our Emergency Committee has been resurrected with leadership by Jake Ellis, our Board VP. who had a 27 year career in the fire service, starting as a wildland firefighter and ultimately serving as a Battalion Chief. He has the creds and will be giving us great information on defending our community from fire. Sadly, this possibility is now everywhere as we continue in drought conditions. Stay tuned and, if you wish to contact Jake for a walk around your property, he’s happy to do so. Jake can be reached at: jakeellis1@me.com. He would love to help!

It’s been a year of change and I thank you for your support. MANY volunteer hours go into keeping your HOA moving forward so remember to thank a Board member the next time you see one!  It has been my pleasure to have served for the past year and I encourage everyone to consider doing the same.

Please watch for the proxy form that will come to you by email in October. Your vote counts and we want to tally it!

Thank you from all of your Board members for your support.

Nancy Craig President, Ocean Grove Association

Ocean Grove Association Summer Newsletter
August 13, 2023

  1. Committee Updates

    • Financial Advisory Committee

    • Document Review Committee

    • Building Review Committee

    • Safety Committee – FREE CONSULTATION OFFERED

    • Community Engagement Committee

  2. Notify manager of phone, email and address changes

  3. Assessment (dues) collection update

  4. Yearly septic inspection

  5. Noxious weed removal-  Noxious Weed Board volunteers

  6. Legal expertise?

  7. Thanks from Freddie and Donnie for supporting yard sale

  8. Avian bird flu

  9. Signs at the beach, RV lot, and trail head

  10. Directory

  11. Calendar of meetings; ANNUAL MEETING Nov  5, 2023  2:00 PM, Jefferson Co. Library

  12. Apply for board positions -THREE OPEN POSITIONS

  13. Assessments/Dues next payment – Jan 1, 2024

  14. Goodbye

  15. Community Garden Contribution

  1. Committee Updates

    Financial Advisory Committee – The Committee is in the process of determining next year’s budget and ultimately what our community assessments (dues) will be. They support the Board’s decision to invest the matured San Jose bond of $25,000 into a 13 month CD earning 5.05%. They are also tasked with providing advice on the Association’s investments on an ongoing basis. Committee: Laura Souza (chair), Nancy Craig, Beth MacBarron, Eveleen Muehlethaler, Richard Cooper, Joan Zimmerman

    Document Review Committee – They are currently completing the initial project to update the Bylaws (bylaws tell the board members what to do; changes to bylaws require a Board vote but do not require a community vote). The Documents Review Committee collaborates with the Board and our new HOA attorney, John D. Burleigh, to rewrite the Covenants.  Our Covenants currently require the board to collect enough dues (assessments) to cover all common expenses, including a reserve fund. We are currently out of compliance with our covenants as we are using non-assessment based income to meet our annual budget. In order to update the Covenants, a majority of lot owners must vote to accept the changes to the Covenants. Committee: Nancy Craig (chair), Shellie Mueller, Laura Souza, Mardelle Hansen, Doug Chichester, Karl Jacobsen, Liz Barnes

    Building Review Committee – Rod Taylor has joined the Building Review Committee. Thanks for volunteering to help out Rod! Committee: Mary Eggert (chair), Don Kruger, Dan Nasman, Terry Duff, Rod Taylor

    Safety Committee – Jake Ellis and Shellie Mueller are in the process of reorganizing this committee. As a fire specialist Jake is offering to meet with homeowners whose lots are adjacent to forested areas in order to provide personalized expert safety advice on protecting your property from fire.

    Jake Ellis, new resident and HOA Vice-President, is offering Ocean Grove members his time and suggestions for improving your homesite to withstand potential wildland fires. His suggestions come from 35 years of firefighting and working on major forest fires. You may contact Jake to schedule an appointment at: ellistrang@me.com 

Community Engagement Committee – Lynn Constantine has volunteered to be on this committee and other volunteers are needed.

2. Notify manager of phone, email and address changes – If your contact information changes please provide the Ocean Grove Association manager with your updated information.

3. Assessments (Dues) Collection Update – There are only two outstanding accounts at this time. Thank you Ocean Grove! We’ve moved to calendar year accounting and your next assessments will be due in January for the full year of 2024. The Financial Review Committee is in the process of determining what assessments/dues will be in 2024 in order to meet the budget needs and abide by the Covenants.

4. Annual Septic Inspection Required – Did you know that even if you are on the community drain field,  you should be having an annual inspection of your onsite septic system? You can get certified to do the inspection yourself if you are into DIY. Here is a County link: https://www.jeffersoncountypublichealth.org/657/Operation-and-Monitoring-OM-Inspection

5. Noxious weed removal – Community member and Board Director Beth MacBarron recently identified noxious weeds encroaching on Ocean Grove boundaries. Beth was proactive in working with the Noxious Weed Board to get volunteers to pull the noxious plants before they had time to spread. The Noxious Weed Board always needs volunteers if you are looking for fulfilling volunteer opportunities. https://www.co.jefferson.wa.us/195/Noxious-Weed-Control-Board

6. Association Attorney – The attorney the Association used in the past retired last year.  Following months of research, the board has contracted with an attorney who works exclusively with Homeowner Associations. Or, in our case, a Lot Owners Association. Burleigh Law PLLC, John D. Burleigh, is from Gig Harbor, WA, and will remain on standby. They bill hourly rates when services are rendered.

7. Thank you to the community From Freddie and Donnie for visiting their moving/yard sale!

8. Avian bird flu – Avian Bird Flu has been detected in the Pacific Northwest and both you and your pets should take precautions. As a general precaution, people should avoid direct contact with wild birds and observe wild birds only from a distance, whenever possible. People should also avoid contact between their pets (e.g., pet birds, dogs and cats) with wild birds. Don’t touch sick or dead birds, their feces or litter, or any surface or water source (e.g., ponds, waterers, buckets, pans, troughs) that might be contaminated with their saliva, feces, or any other bodily fluids without wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). More information about specific precautions to take for preventing the spread of bird flu viruses between animals and people is available at Prevention and Antiviral Treatment of Bird Flu Viruses in People. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/avian-in-other-animals.htm

9. Signs at the beach, RV lot, and trail head – For insurance purposes, notices of indemnification have been posted at Adelma Beach, the trail off Cape George and at the RV lot.

10. Directory update – No community directory is planned for release to the community. You may find public information at https://gisweb.jeffcowa.us/LandRecords/

11. Calendar of meetings; ANNUAL MEETING Nov  5,  2023 2:00 PM

Now that our fiscal year is the same as the calendar year, the Ocean Grove Assoc. Annual meeting will take place on November 5th at 2:00pm. It will be a hybrid meeting offering both Zoom and in person attendance. Members will be provided a Zoom link the week prior to the meeting, or may attend in person at the Jefferson Co. library in Port Hadlock. The large meeting room to the right of the main entry doors has been reserved for those wishing to attend in person.

12. Apply for board positions. There are THREE director positions with openings for this coming annual meeting. President Nancy Craig and Secretary Laura Souza have terms expiring. Eric Lucas resigned earlier this year and his position needs to be filled. If you are interested in volunteering to serve on the board please email Nancy Craig or myself with a brief bio to be included in the upcoming elections.

Board Members and terms:

OG Board



Term Expires @ Annual Reorg Meeting:

Nancy Craig



Laura Souza



Shellie Mueller



Open (Eric Lucas)



Mary Eggert



Jake Ellis

Vice President


Beth MacBarron



13. Assessments/Dues next payment – Jan 2024 Once the 2024 budget has been approved by the Board, you will be provided a copy to review. After voting on the new budget at the Nov 5th Annual Meeting, assessments/dues will be invoiced for payment in January 2024 and delinquent on  April 1, 2024. This is just a reminder to mark your calendar so you’ll remember to mail your check to Ocean Grove Assoc. PO Box 519 Port Townsend WA 98368.

14. Goodbye: I’ve asked the Board to find a replacement for me. Working two jobs just isn’t producing the quality of life I aim for. Working as your manager has made it clear what a kind and reasonable bunch of individuals our neighborhood is composed of. Thank you.

15.  Community Garden Notes from Basha and Doug

“August is the month when the garden is gloriously overflowing, when zucchinis and tomatoes are plotting a take-over, and when perennials and annuals are enthusiastically rubbing elbows with their neighbors.” It’s time to trim and save seeds for next year. But the most important thing we are doing now is perfecting our compost that will be keeping the garden fed and covered for the long winter. We are dividing our perennials and doing careful inspections of the entire garden looking for insects and other critters that we need to remove. It is time to plan and begin to plant our fall/winter vegetables and herbs as well. We fully embrace the concept of crop rotation to prevent the buildup of soil-borne diseases and pests, and of course this helps with depletion of soil nutrients. We are also busy cutting back herbs and dehydrating them to replenish the spice cabinet. There never seems to be enough time in the day what with harvesting, canning, freezing, dehydrating, and then doing it all over again a few

days later. All the while we are saving flower seeds for next year’s pollinators. You can grow almost as much in an autumn vegetable garden as you can in a summery one. It’s just a matter of choosing the right species. And in our zone 8b there are many things to be planted now. We want to take a moment to thank a few very generous donors; Laura and Amelia Souza donated a very much needed chipper to the garden this summer and we have already used it a lot. We are so grateful. And we are also sending a shout out to Liz and John Barnes for directing their tree company our way to drop off a huge load of chips. Thank you so much everyone who regularly thinks of us. We are now opening our chip piles to the community. Help yourselves! They make great walkways and are good at keeping weeds under control. We only ask that you don’t back a truck up and wipe out the piles. The chips are for everyone!!!

Remember, if you are interested in joining us for next summer, we will need to know this fall as we plan our spaces this time of year. So, give us a call or email us. Basha Berl and Doug Chichester 360-301-1345 or 360 301-1365, basha517@yahoo.com or barleypop8@yahoo.com.

We would like to start a list of everyone in the neighborhood that would like to be on our community garden mailing list (e-mail ,phone) as we often have extra food and herbs that we are willing to distribute. Now we donate to the local food banks, but we could keep it much more local if you would contact us at the contact info above and let us know you are interested. This could also be used for a buy, sell, trade type of sharing, for example: at this time, we have a car seat to donate to someone. It has been used only a few times and is very clean. Calling all grandmothers who often need a car seat for grandchildren. Let us know! So have a great fall everyone and we can’t wait to see the Halloween display Chris and Candace provide for the hood, it is terrific. ~Basha and Doug

Liz Barnes


Ocean Grove Association
360.821.2625 Mobile

Ocean Grove Association Spring Newsletter
May 17, 2023

  8. TICKS
  9. POOP
The Document Review Committee met for the first time in May and will be reviewing and updating the association bylaws and covenants. Nancy Craig, Shellie Muller, Laura Souza, Mardelle Hansen, Karl Jacobsen are your volunteers for this project.
The Financial Committee will meet in the near future and is being formed to advise the Association on investment and financial matters.
There are plans to have a Recreational Committee once the Document Review Committee and the Financial Committee are well established. Lynn Costantine has volunteered to be on this committee and additional volunteers are needed.
Don Kruger has volunteered to head the Building Committee. Qualified volunteers are encouraged to reply to this email.
Blake Mann from the DNA toured the Ocean Grove Trail and neighborhood on invitation from manager Liz Barnes. Blake provided fire safety advice for our community. PNW Neighborhood fire precautions; wood piles stored 50ft from home, limb treesnup 15-20 ft, cut trees under 6-8 in diameter, expect ground fire spread, clear vegetation around propane tanks. Here is a link to the DNR flyer for protecting your home.  https://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/rp_fireprev_home_combo.pdf
The board is moving toward using bonded and insured labor. Allan Tractor Service of Port Townsend will be providing landscape services. Bids to provide this service, from alternate contractors, are welcome. Contact Liz Barnes to submit a bid.
As of May 15, 2023, 59 of 107 member accounts have paid dues for the prorated financial year of April 2023- December 2023. Dues are $75 per lot and payment should be mailed to; Ocean Grove Association, PO Box 519, Port Townsend WA 98368. (Unpaid assessments/dues become delinquent July 4, 2023 and late fees and interests will accumulate.)
Space remains available. If you would like to rent a storage space to park a vehicle please contact Liz Barnes.
Spam email continues to be a problem. Our Association president had been targeted repeatedly. The Association purchased a security package for our website but this hasn’t resolved the issue. Research into finding a resolution continues and includes entertaining alternate web hosting services. However, it is possible that one of us in the community has a virus or malware that is gleaning information from Association email. It is recommended that you run an antivirus software scan of your computer. Windows 10 and 11 include Windows Security, which provides the latest antivirus protection or you can run the antivirus software of your choosing.
Every time I look out my window it seems like the lawn has grown another inch. It’s not just the lawn that is thriving, the Scotch broom and other noxious weeds are having a hay day with all the heat and sun. Now is a great time to eradicate that Scotch broom as required by our bylaws.
It’s that time of year. Noreen reminded me that when hiking trails or working in the yard you can reduce your chance of exposure to Lymes disease and tick bites by; wearing long sleeves, tucking pants in, wearing light colors (so ticks are easy to see), shower after hiking, and do a tick check of yourself and your pet.

Not generally a conversation for polite company. Smelly disease carrying stuff we don’t talk about. I think people with babies and pets have a different perspective on this sensitive topic. One of my friends in PT brought it up when she was talking about her preference not to pick up after her dog. It was clear to me that her love for her pet was affecting her sense of smell.

That being said, if you have a pet it is the neighborly thing to do. And Ocean Grove is prized for its neighborliness.
6.07.150 Waste.
It is unlawful for any owner or other person with custody of a dog to fail to remove and dispose of any feces excreted by the dog from any public place or any private property not owned or leased by the owner or person with custody. The provisions of this section shall not apply to blind persons who may use dogs as guides. [Ord. 2-21 § 1 (Appx. A); Ord. 10-15 § 2 (Att. A). Formerly 6.07.140]
I was surprised to find that Jefferson Co. does indeed have a lease law pertaining to pets outside the city limits.
6.07.060 Animal at large.
(1) It is unlawful for the owner or keeper of any dog whether licensed or not, or any livestock as defined in this chapter, to allow such animal to be at large or to roam, stray or be away from the premises of the owner or keeper, or to enter or be on the private property of another without permission of the owner or lawful custodian of such property, or to be at large on any public property, including but not limited to any public park, beach, pond, fountain or stream therein, playground or school ground, building, roadway, street, alley, trail or sidewalk. This section shall not apply to any real property that is designated with formal signage and demarcated boundaries as an “off-leash” area. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the county commission from establishing for domestic animals different rules and regulations applicable within one, some or all county-owned parks and other county-owned real property and such separate rules or regulations, if different than this chapter, shall apply at those locations rather than the regulations listed in this chapter.
A community garden is a recipe for friendship. A place to socialize, learn, eat, laugh, meditate or; just be at one with nature. It is so much more than planting vegetables or making great compost. There are jobs for everyone who wants to be involved but what really comes across to us is the social interaction and positive impact on reducing the cost of living as well as eating healthily. Ocean Groves Community Garden operates based on individual “pea patches”. Everyone waters, weeds, cleans, and plants their own areas. Personal plots help avert conflicts that may arise over planting decisions. We do have a few communal plantings that we have discussed and agreed upon, that we all take care of. The planting season for summer of 2023 is closed as all areas have been spoken for at this time. But we are flexible and can squeeze in some large pots if someone is interested. Regardless of what you have in mind contact us. Currently, we are small enough and have managed to accumulate tools and supplies from some very generous donors. We have a seemingly endless supply of wood chips and sawdust thanks to some great local arborists who are glad to share with us in exchange for greens when we have enough to share. We are actively engaged in planting flowers as well as vegetables to encourage the local pollinators to visit and stay. These flowers are the visual centerpiece of the garden. We are an organic garden, so all soils, amendments, and seeds are organic – we do not use pesticides of any kind. We actively compost and build great soil for our garden beds and are always looking for grass clippings if no chemicals have been sprayed/spread on your grass. We will pick up and return your bags if you give us a call. We are grateful for the many plants we find at our gate some mornings. Two friends of the garden have helped us completely rebuild and replenish the raspberry garden. We have found horseradish plants , beans, cilantro, and other veggies at our gate. We have been given buckets, fencing posts, wood, straw, chicken manure and other valuable goodies. If we can’t use something we will find someone who can use it. So as you are doing your spring cleaning and going through your garages, if there is something you think the garden can use please contact us. You are welcome to visit the garden however ,please NO PICKING! This food belongs to the people who work hard for their harvest. Also, if the bungie cord is across the gate when you enter, please replace it when you leave. There is a picnic table behind the garden that is available to all for an impromptu lunch while visiting the garden or while accessing the trailhead that starts near the garden. We often have “fireside chats” in this area to catch up with each other after a long week. “I’m sitting quietly alone on the green bench in the garden, and I couldn’t feel more at peace. It has just rained and the petrichor aroma is a gardens perfume. My eyes dart from plot to plot and the excitement builds as I think of what will be growing in another month.” Basha Did you know that a community garden is a social leveler? It doesn’t matter if you’re a teacher, doctor,
forester, maintenance worker or a director, once in the garden we are all the same. Please contact Doug – barleypop8@hotmail.com or Basha – basha517@yahoo.com if you have anything garden related that you would like to chat about.
I consistently get requests from community members who would like a community directory. How do you feel about sharing your address/email/phone within the community?

Liz Barnes

Ocean Grove Association
360.821.2625 Mobile

Ocean Grove Lot Association Newsletter
Proxy Proximity Mar 2023

  1. Meet your new manager – Send any changes in your communication info — new emails, phones, status, etc.

  2. Upcoming proxy votes Three Candidate Bios – VOTE FOR TWO!

  3. Budget, Reserve Fund, and Moving to a Calendar Year – rate increase with prorated dues

  4. April 2, 2:00 pm – Upcoming annual meeting – attend via ZOOM (recorded)

  5. Checks Only – no cash please

  6. Storage and RV spaces are available for rent

1. Meet your new manager:

Greetings Ocean Grove Lot Association Members:

My name is Liz Barnes; I am your new association manager. My husband John and I have lived in the community since November of 2017 and own a number of unbuilt lots in addition to our home. I think my 14 years working as a real estate agent and my five years as the owner and manager of a small apartmentment complex are a good springboard for being your lot association manager. The 13 years I spent in Telecommunication sales and management contribute to my comfort level with working alongside the board. My years as a Special Education teacher continue to contribute to every aspect of my life. This is why I continue to work in Port Townsend as a Community Engagement Specialist where I support adults with intellectual and developmental differences. I’m particularly interested in Ocean Grove’s long term financial security and establishing clear and secure processes for our association records. Please send me any changes in your communication info — new emails, phones, status. You can reach me at; liz.oceangrove@gmail.com or 360.821.2625.


Proxy Ballots coming out this week! Here are the three Director Candidate Bios:


Beth MacBarron

My name is Beth (Elizabeth) MacBarron and I am running for one of the open positions on the Ocean Grove Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

My experiences in running a business and management.

  • B.A. in Psychology Pepperdine University

  • Worked with emotionally disturbed girls

  • Cost Analyst for The Industrial Bank of Japan

  • Co-owner successful restaurant in P.T.

  • One of four managers at The Food Co-op with weekly meetings and monthly attendance at Board Meeting

  • Bookkeeping

  • Tax Preparer certified by the I.R.S. for 10 years

My association with Ocean Grove community

In 1986 my husband (Jerry Gorsline) and I purchased two lots on Cape George Rd.  The city water came through to us and we started building in fall of 1991 and moved in April 1992.  We worked with Frank Vane the Manager at the time and since then have worked with Dan Nasman and the Board.


Jake Ellis

Jake Ellis intent to run for a Trustee position for Ocean Grove Board

After a 27 year career in the Fire Service, I’ve come to believe that leadership involves careful pre-planning to survive what might happen in the future. This is how we experience our private lives and what I would offer in my tenure with the Ocean Grove Homeowners Association. This not only includes the initial steps taken in an emergency but also is a perspective on the fiduciary health of the community as risks will arise in many forms. I have expressed a keen interest in serving the Ocean Grove Community as Emergency Committee Chair.

I started as a wild land firefighter soon after graduating high school. Continuing for eight seasons until I received a job offer from Boise Fire Department. I served as a Battalion Chief in my last 10 years with the supervisory responsibility of 48 staff, 7 fire companies over 6 fire houses. My primary responsibility was management of major incidents whether they were aircraft, fire, hazardous materials, or medical/accidents. During this time I also served with a National Incident Management Team as a Medical Unit Leader, and Finance Section Chief with a local Emergency Management team.

After retiring from the fire service I worked as a Loan Officer for Boise Fire Department Credit Union while serving in the Idaho State Legislature as a Representative (Democratic) from District 15 in Boise.

I’m married to Amy Siedenstrang and we are building our dream home at 262 Myrtle St. Amy’s sister (Mary) will be living in our home when we get to occupy the home. I have two children (Allyson,38 and Ethan, 22), one grandchild (Ava, 16).


Joan Zimmerman 

I taught at the community college level for five years in the 70s; also served as the chief financial officer of a community college and dean of instruction.   I went into the private sector in the financial planning field in 1982 and sold my practice and then retired in 2006. During the time in the financial planning business, I held the following licenses: stock broker, branch manager, Certified financial planner, insurance agent and real estate agent. I taught retirement seminars for both profit and nonprofit organizations for many years.  From the late 1970s my husband and I have invested in real estate as part of a diversified portfolio. I served as the Treasurer for two recent Port of Port Townsend Commission seats and helped elect the first and second woman to the Port Commission.

We have lived in Ocean Grove since we built our house in 2006.   We helped start the community garden and cleaned trails over the years. I have helped more than a few residents with heavy yard work (garden tractor of course).   We have encouraged other residents to consider heat pumps and solar electric.  Except for the cost of living, we love it here.


Budget, Reserve Fund, and Moving to a Calendar Year – rate increase

Before adopting the budget, the Board met to analyze historical tax data from 2012-2021. Based on the review of those tax returns, we spend more money than we bring in. (See, Data from IRS tax Forms, below). We have been able to keep dues low and spend more than we bring in by supplementing our income through the sale of assets. The Board would like to retain our remaining assets, which are: Adelma Beach, the RV/Storage lots,  Edward Jones accounts (some would sell at a loss) and 22 water hookups (for which there is no current market).

Through a review of our governing documents it was determined that the Association also needs to save money for a reserve fund that is generated through dues collected from lot owners. (See article N. https://oceangroveassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Covenants-8th-Amended.pdf )

It will likely take a few years to move to a balanced budget that includes a reserve fund which honors our governing documents. The first  step the Board has taken is to increase dues. Lot dues will be prorated at $75 per lot for Apr – Dec 2023.

In an effort to reduce the complication of a fiscal budget (any 12 month period e.g. April to March), the Board moved to adopt a calendar year budget. The calendar year budget matches all the work already being done by our bookkeeping and CPAs. We will have one odd (prorated) tax year, 2023. If the community does not vote to approve the new budget, the Board will be forced to sell some of the remaining assets to cover expenses.




Adopted Budget Calendar Yr 2023 Apr – Dec

Dues Amount: per lot



100 pro-rated for 9 mo.


Lot fees based on 215.5




Storage fees (RV, boat etc.)




Edward Jones Income









Bank fees




Office expense




























Payroll taxes




Mileage reimbursement




Membership meetings








Emergency preparation




Community garden








Pet waste bags








Licensing (SOS)




Reserve Fund for*








Net Income:



*Adelma gate, resurface RV lot, create fire break

Data from IRS Tax Forms


Income IRS Tax Return

Less Capital Gains/Losses

Activity Income* Inc – Cap Gains


Depreciation Expense

Expenses less Depreciation

Net Activity Income



Not yet reported


















































































Cumulative gain/loss


* Income from Lot and Storage, Dividends and Interest

Data from IRS Tax Forms


April 2, 2:00 pm – Annual Meeting

Case rates for Covid 19 remain high in Jefferson Co. and the board has voted to hold the annual membership meeting virtually, via Zoom. The board will provide a link to the recorded board meeting for anyone who is interested in watching but not able to attend the Zoom meeting.

Please let me know if you would like a Zoom tutorial. I will email the Zoom link for the annual meeting a couple days before the meeting. Watch your email!


This year you will mail your dues and RV/Storage fees to our PO Box. Look for your invoice to arrive shortly after the annual meeting on April 2nd. The mailing address is:

Ocean Grove Association

PO Box 519

Port Townsend WA 98368

6. Storage and RV Lot Vacancies

Please contact the association manager if you are interested in renting one of our vacant RV spaces. Please note there are screening requirements for stored vehicles,or equipment. Small boats, campers, camper shells and riding lawn mowers or tractors may remain on a lot provided that they are shielded from view from the street or adjacent lots. This is the perfect time to rent inexpensive storage space. There is discussion of a lot fee increase, from our annual $150, for 2024 plus written fee agreements.  We will adhere to the by-laws which state that all equipment must have current license and registration. https://oceangroveassociation.com/bylaws/

Ocean Grove Association

December 2022 Newsletter

On Sunday, December 18th, we will resume the Ocean Grove Holiday event with a Swedish Christmas Buffet (Julbord) at my home.  One condition: Covid cases are running high in Jefferson County so, out of respect for other attendees, I’m requesting all who attend can assure us that they have received the requisite vaccines for Covid.  Also, because flu is making a deadly return, please avoid attending if you have symptoms characteristic of flu.

The serving table will include a lot of Scandinavian traditions: ham, Swedish meatballs, potatiskorv (tradition potato sausage from Central Market), gravlax, cheese tray, herring, lingonberries, a variety of pickled vegetables, and salads.  The beverages will include the infamous glögg, prosecco, wine, ales, sodas, coffee, and a bubbly lingonberry beverage.

The sweet side will include cheesecake, pepperkakor (ginger cookies), and a very traditional fruit soup.  Missing the party are Lutfisk (“Lutefisk” if you are Norwegian) and traditional rice pudding.

Please let me know not later than December 15th if you plan to attend so that I can have sufficient food on hand.

In other news, there will be a board vacancy at the beginning of this coming year.  Tom Lemmons has served the Association as a thoughtful board member and as a founding member of the Community Garden Committee. After several years of contribution, Tom has determined that now is a good time for someone else to step forward.  If you have an interest in appointment to that position, let me know and I’ll relay it to the board and to Liz Barnes, who will begin her role as Association Manager on January 1.

Dan Näsman, Manager

Date 12-4-2022

To:  Ocean Grove Association Members

From:  Eric Lucas, Board President/Secretary

Re:  Annual Membership Meeting Agenda

Although the instances of Covid-19 cases have declined from the January peak, the infection rate  remains at a level of concern.  Six percent of the hospital beds in Jefferson County are Covid patients and neighboring Clallam county has a current infection rate that is over three times higher than in Jeffco.

Accordingly, the annual meeting will be as it was last year:  Proxy voting on the budget (attached) for April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023 and for the three director positions that open this year.  Incumbent board directors Mary Eggert, Eric Lucas, and Shellie Mueller have agreed to accept nomination for a new term.  No nominations were submitted by members.

You have received the manager’s annual reports on finances and property transactions.  In few weeks, you will receive an Association Newsletter that will comment on community activities and improvements of our Adelma Beach Park.  Note also, that the board will convene its annual reorganizational meeting soon after April 3rd. You will receive notice of that meeting, including agenda items scheduled for discussion and action.

You will receive, or may have already received, an emailed proxy ballot for those two agenda items.  The ballot contains instructions for casting your vote.  It must be cast by 5 PM, Friday, April 1.

It is everyone’s hope that a continued decline in infection rates and reduced restrictions on social gatherings will permit resumption of the annual salmon and bratwurst barbecue social at the manager’s home on Sunday September 4th.  Between 60 and 75 neighbors show up for that event.

You received the financial report which noted that our investments have weathered the recent slump in the market.  Not only have the equity values held or increased but the dividends and interest have continued at the same level.  As noted in the report, investment returns provide $74 per lot, allowing the annual owner fees to remain at $40 per lot.  You will receive a notice of your fees—due on April 1st and delinquent after June 30th.

I would like to express appreciation to the directors.  Besides the three cited above, Tom Lemmons, Don Kruger, John Considine, and Laura Souza have been conscientious, thoughtful contributors to our discussions and decisions.

Although the year has been quiet, I call attention to the very successful efforts by owners of undeveloped lots in removing great quantities of Scotch Broom, especially along Combs.  This was done at significant cost to the owners and, if continued, removes consideration of a mandatory clearing covenant article.  Thanks.

And thanks to everyone for making Ocean Grove such a comfortable, friendly community.  (A recent realtor’s ad for an Ocean Grove property stated “in the coveted Ocean Grove HOA”.

Also, acknowledgement and appreciation to Shellie and Pat for the continued use of two of their lots on Becker as a very popular dog park.

Ocean Grove News

Board meeting Friday, November 4th 10 AM at the Manager’s home


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda

Acceptance of Minutes of August 5, 2022

Appointment of a Board member to replace John Considine

Manager’s Report: Adelma Beach; PUD water service

Financial Report:  Budget to date; Investment Report

Appointment of Budget Committee

Personnel Session (closed interview)

Establish next meeting time and place

Board Member Vacancy

John Considine, a resident of Ocean Grove, along with his wife Astride, since 1993 has tendered his resignation from the board.  His willingness to accept the position during the height of the Covid pandemic lent a great service to the community.  John has demonstrated a great willingness to help not only Ocean Grove but the Port Townsend Film festival as a responsible community member.  John had an illustrious career in film and television roles and as a screenwriter.  (At Halloween I should probably recommend “Doctor of Death: Seeker of Souls” [1973] a tongue-in-cheek horror film but the “Late Show”, a neo-noir with Art Carney was one I recently enjoyed on TCM.)  If you are interested in serving on the Board please let me know immediately.  There are about five meetings a year plus the annual membership meeting.

Ocean Grove Social Event

The neighborhood salmon and bratwurst BBQ on Labor Day weekend was an apparent success with about 55 neighbors gathered to renew acquaintances after two years of non-events.  Owners came early and stayed late with a number of animated conversations and ample food and drink.  I will resume the annual Swedish Christmas Buffet on Sunday, December 18th.  Details later.

New Owners

A number of new owners attended the Labor Day BBQ and discovered the welcoming nature of our community.  I was pleased to see a couple of real estate adverts that said “in the highly desirable Ocean Grove HOA.  When has an HOA ever received kind words but it’s true that our community is one in which we know, and like, our neighbors and socialize easily with each other.

Accordingly, welcome these new owners when you see them.

Ann Marie Hamburg  43 Marrakech Circle (Ocean Grove 3) Hasn’t moved in yet

Robert & Hilarie Schmalz 13 Hillcrest Ave (Ocean Grove 3)

Pamela Ator, M.D. 340 Huntingford Street (Board-certified Internist at Jefferson Health Care)

Property Assessments

You recently received your new property assessed valuation notice and I’m guessing that it was a shock but I’m also guessing that you wouldn’t sell your property for the Assessor’s amount.  I’ve ordered a updated Assessor’s roll for Ocean Grove and will provide you with my analysis when it’s available.  Know, however, that the increase in value—mine was 33%–doesn’t mean an equivalent increase in taxes.  In 2019 the values jumped 18% but the tax rate dropped 12%.  (Tax bill, of course, went up.)

Ocean Grove Summer Newsletter


Some upcoming events and some recent activities warrant another Ocean Grove Newsletter.

In this version you will read about an upcoming art exhibit by one of our resident artists, a rare opportunity to have advance access to a spectacular moving sale, be briefed on Jefferson County outdoor fire restrictions, and a muted hope that the status of Covid in Jefferson County will have abated enough to resume the Labor Day weekend salmon and bratwurst barbecue at the manager’s home.  A tentative date for a community wide yard sale is open to a show of interest

Also, an update on property transactions in Ocean Grove, our investment portfolio status in the market downturn, and a notice of the next board meeting on August 5th–in which a job description for a new manager will be discussed and adopted.

Given this week of unusually hot weather a reminder of fire restrictions is first up.  From the county website (pertinent portions only)

CONDITIONS FOR RECREATIONAL & RESIDENTIAL BURNING Jefferson County Resolution #42-05 If the DNR declares a MODERATE or HIGH fire danger index, no burning is allowed. Burning is subject to immediate closure at any time for fire danger or air stagnation conditions as established by the Washington State Dept. of Ecology and/or Olympic Regional Clean Air Authority (ORCAA) per R.C.W. 70-94 and WAC 173-425.

In Jefferson County, the burning of garbage is punishable by a $513 fine and any evidence of burned garbage is adequate proof for the fine to be imposed

RESIDENTIAL BURNING. (DNR has declared Moderate Level 2 Risk which allows recreational fires)

  • Burn pile must be at least 25’ from any structure.
  • Only one 3x3x2 foot or smaller debris disposal fire is allowed at any time..
  • Burning is allowed from 8am to 4pm. Do not add any fuel to fire after 3pm.
  • A responsible person shall remain in attendance with the fire at all times.
  • A shovel, charged garden hose and nozzle shall be on site.
  • Fires should be worked to keep the fire burning hot to reduce smoke output.
  • Fires creating excessive smoke &/or flying ash or a nuisance are subject to required extinguishment.
  • Only natural vegetation may be burned, no processed wood of any type (Residential Fires).
  • Only charcoal or firewood may be burned (Recreational Fires).
  • Property owner/contractor assumes responsibility for damage to any structure, utility line/pole, tree/shrub, fence, road/right-of-way or other public/private edifice by smoke, flying ash or flame and accepts responsibility for any claimed adverse effects to the health of any person or persons in the path of said smoke/flying ash or flame.
  • Violations will be investigated and penalties may be assessed for willful violation of rules.
  • Additionally, the Fire District may recover costs incurred during response, control and extinguishments of an unlawful or out-of-control open burn

Early Bird shopping opportunity for Ocean Grove Members.

As noted in the property transactions below, Larry and Trish Romel have sold their extraordinary home on Marrakesh and will be leaving Ocean Grove. They will be greatly missed.  They will have a large moving sale on August 6th (10-3) but have graciously agreed to give Ocean Grove members early access on Friday, August 5th (1-4 PM).  You would be well-advised to take advantage of this opportunity.  Lots of inventory including power tools.

Marrakech is on the north side of Beckett Point road and leads only to the Romel home.

Ocean Grove Properties Report   Current 7/30/22

85 Occupied Residential Units 81 owner/occupants/5 renter occupied

3 Homes Under Construction (62 Hillcrest; 5473 Cape George Rd; 325 Myrtle)

1 Vacant residential unit

89 Total Residential Units

15 Undeveloped building sites (Note: 10 additional building sites with drainfield connections are held by seven owners as privacy buffers)

4 Unbuildable parcels (no drainfield authorization, too small for gravity system)

Horizon Year of 104 Residential units.  Currently 86% built out)

Grove Property Listings and Sales July 1, 2021 to July 30, 2022

Homes for Sale Active Listings

13 Hillcrest Ave 2/BR   $635,000

212 Huntingford 2/BR   $699,000


Homes Sold    Past 12 months                                    

43 Marrakech Circle                   7/8/22     $1.7 million      includes six lots

340 Huntingford              7/19/22   $699,000

133 Kruse                       11/19/21 $635,000


Undeveloped Property Sold  Past 12 Months         

Myrtle to Cape George Rd  (3 lots)          4/22/22  $190,000


Undeveloped Property for sale


From Dana Weir  Dear Neighbors,  I have an announcement about an upcoming art show that I will be part of – I am eagerly anticipating the day when I will pack up 45 (small, but mighty) pieces of artwork and deliver them to Northwind Art, at the Jeanette Best Gallery in just a couple of weeks! The exhibit opens August 12, and runs through October. 2.   Happy Summer to all,

Here is a sneak peek of what I have going on in the studio… And here is a link to Northwind Art, where you will find our exhibit announcement. https://northwindart.org

This body of work seeded itself into my mind a year and a half ago, and I’m humbled and amazed at how it has grown into a garden of art pieces…I’m also humbled and amazed by the artwork of my show partner, Helga Winter. She and I have been in dialogue, in partnership, witnessing each other’s growth and supporting each other’s vision, during the whole process. Here is a link to her website, if you are curious: https://www.helgawinter.com

Some important dates to keep in mind, if you plan to visit the gallery:

  • August 12 is the first day the exhibit will be open to the community.
  • August 13, at 1pm, is the Artist Talk. I’m told there will be a zoom option!
  • September 3, Art Walk in Port Townsend, from 5pm to 8pm. Artists will be in galleries!
  • September 10, from 2pm – 4pm, Helga and I will be present in the gallery.
  • September 24, from 2pm – 4pm, Helga and I will be present in the gallery.
  • October 2nd, the last day of the show.

Financial Report

It should come as no surprise that our equity fund investments have taken a hit in the past few months.  The good news is that the dividend on our Growth Income fund and our Managed Income Fund have continued at high levels.  Our bonds continue to pay the interest and, because we intend to hold them to maturity any decrease in market value is immaterial.

The account value has dropped from $428,000 to $400,000 in the past year.  At the same time, however, we have moved $10,000 from the Money Market account to our checking account.  As I’ve noted many times, the investment returns pay a big portion of our operating budget.  A few weeks ago, the investment returns paid our $6,800 insurance premium. It would take an increase in annual dues of $32 to cover that bill.  In exchange, owners are well protected by $13 million in liability coverage.  Another upside is that the Money Market Account used to pay a fraction of one percent but now pays 1.13%.  An most encouraging:  In July the total account value increased by $15,000 (an increase of 3.8%).

Lynn Constantine has discussed the possibly of a summer community garage sale with a number of neighbors.  There has been enough interest to move forward on the idea but Lynn needs to know the level of interest before moving forward.  The weekend of September 10th and 11th has been proposed.  If you have an interest in participating, contact Lynn jazzeyone@rocketmail.com  (Yes, she was/is a jazz singer with many performances.)

Labor Day Barbecue tentative

Covid is still very prevalent in Jefferson County.  In the early and most lethal stage, Jefferson County was among the least affected counties in the state but now its infection level ranks 14th among Washington’s 39 counties.  In the last 14 days the infection rate In JeffCo was 0.45% (457 cases per 100,00) with no hospitalizations or deaths.  That extrapolates to 174 cases in those two weeks.  (Jefferson county has about 39,000 people.)   Encouraging fact, considering that JeffCo has the oldest population in the state with an average age of 59.

Against that background, I’m still planning on resuming my salmon and bratwurst barbecue on the Sunday preceding Labor Day.  Safety restrictions will be in place—though a step-up from the “toothpick menu” that brought 50 neighbors to my backyard for our prematurely named “post pandemic social” last June.  Only attend if you have had your shots and booster.  (“Hillbilly boosters”—surviving a bout of Covid—don’t count) I’m particularly sensitive to this because a recent house guest experienced her second Covid infection even though vaccinated and boosted.  It was mild and we took extreme cautions so none of my other four guests nor I became infected.

Having said all that, it will, again, be exclusively outdoors with no shared serving utensils and latex gloves in abundance and masks encouraged when not imbibing or eating.  Your thoughts and suggestions are encouraged.

And a last item.  The Board will meet at 10 AM at my home on August 5th.  The major purpose will be to adopt a description of managerial duties and to set up a search process for selection of a new manager.


June 2022 Newsletter

First day of summer, such as it is, a time to bring you up to date on Ocean Grove activities, news, and reminders.

Personal Note:  You will see in minutes below that it’s time for me to turn over the manager’s duties.  I don’t feel I’m slowing down but I’ll be 90 in another year and the realities dictate that an orderly transition is in order.  A resident-manager has significant benefits to an HOA and the hope is that an Ocean Grove resident will step forward as a candidate.  A job description will be adopted by the board in their July meeting and sent to all members.

Starting with reminders:

Scotch Broom.  Last year we made outstanding progress in the never-ending battle against that prevalent weed.  Several owners of undeveloped lots that were badly overrun employed a skilled worker to clear their lots of Scotch broom.  This year there is very little in the community except alongside Cape George Road.   If you have any to remove, the current recommendations from the University of Oregon is to cut it while the plant is in bloom,  The plant energy is directed toward creating seeds and it has reduced energy to direct toward regrowth.  Also, pulling the plant disturbs the soil making it more hospitable to seed propagation.  If you cut some on your property, put it roadside and give me a call.  It will be taken to Jefferson County green recycle.

Annual Fees.  If you haven’t paid your $40 per lot/$150 per RV space fees yet drop them in the mail (or put them in the drop box on my porch) before July 1st to avoid a $10 late fee.  I will send personal reminders to unpaid members in the next few days.  Mail checks to PO Box 519, Port Townsend 98368.

Activities.  The Community Garden is looking great and has a few owner residents with thriving garden plots—thriving as much as possible given the cold damp May weather.  Laura Souza, board treasurer, is the contact person for those interested in community garden participation.

The Adelma Beach fence will be replaced over the next two weeks.  Split-rail fencing has been installed as a safety barrier at the edges of the bluff and the vegetation is close to being under control.  Regular grooming has been arranged.  The long-promised kayak rack is scheduled for installation after the fence is completed.

It is my hope that Covid-19 concerns can be alleviated enough to resume the Labor Day weekend (Sunday) salmon and bratwurst BBQ.  Right now, unfortunately, Jefferson County has the third highest rate of infection trailing only King and Clallam counties.  On the plus side, the infections have generally not been life threatening and the death rate in Jefferson County is significantly lower and that is in spite of the fact that the average age (58) in our county is high.

The Greenbelt trail was recently groomed for summer walkers and will receive continued attention.  Be alert to ticks, especially if you are walking with a dog.  Remember to use the flip board at the head of the trail to determine if your dog needs to be leashed.

New Owners of three lots bridging between Myrtle and Cape George Road, Jake Ellis and Amy Siedenstrang, have been busy clearing the last big stand of Scotch broom in preparation for construction of a new home.  They relocated here from Boise Idaho.  Stop and say hello when you are out walking.

New Construction  Tom Parcher has completed a very nice home on the corner of Huntington and Kruse and it is on the market.  He has already begun construction on a residence on Cape George Road.  Adam Cray has begun construction of a residence on two lots at the corner of Myrtle and Swanson.

Finances Our investments have not been immune to the recent downturn in market value.  Sufficient to say that they are down ten percent from a year ago.  The decline has been in equity value of mutual funds.  Dividend and interest payments continue.  A detailed report will be sent to members along with a report of property transactions.

Broadband Some residents have questioned why the PUD plan to expand broadband services in Jefferson County excluded Ocean Grove.  I spoke with the coordinator of the project and he indicated that the terms of their grant required priority to underserved areas.  Because Astound (Wave) has high speed service in a number of locations in Ocean Grove we did not qualify.  Astound connections are very costly and I’ve made contact with an Astound representative to develop an map of homes currently served by Astound and to see if a cooperative effort can reduce the connect fee.

Sad News  Two residents of Ocean Grove recently passed away.  Both were well-known and active.  Paul Hand, husband of Suzanne Hand, had only recently completed his home on Combs and had been industriously completing a major landfilling project there.  Barry Scheiss, also on Combs, was an inveterate walker with his partner Mark McGill.  He had long ties to Ocean Grove in that his parents were early owners in our community.  Our thoughts go out to Suzanne and to Mark.

To:  Ocean Grove Association Members

From:  Dan Näsman, Manager

Re:  Proxy Ballot Return & Owner’s annual fee

April 1, 2022

A reminder to email your Proxy Ballot for budget and director positions.

Over a third of you already have.  Although the deadline said 5 PM today it is extended until noon tomorrow, Saturday, April 2nd.  If you misplaced the proxy ballot that was emailed to you, email me with a request for a replacement.

Owner Annual Fees remain at $40 per lot.  (Divided parcels of 1.5 lot pay $60.)  Payments are due April 1 but payable without penalty through June 30.

RV storage annual fees remain at $150 April 1 through March 31, 2023

(in setting up the spreadsheet for payment, I noted that a few owners have not yet paid last year’s fees.  I will email you directly if this is the case.)

Payment can be sent to

Ocean Grove Association, PO Box 519, Port Townsend, WA 98368 or dropped off at my home, 5390 Cape George Road

FYI:  Brand new listing in Ocean Grove  A three-lot parcel with one three-bedroom drainfield connection came on the market this week.  Asking price: $165,000.  Two lots face Myrtle Street and the third lot joins one of the Myrtle lots to Cape George Road.  That lot can serve as a view-protection corridor.

To Ocean Grove resident-owners

It is with sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Jerry Gorsline.  Jerry (and Beth MacBarron) moved to Ocean Grove decades ago and served our community in outstanding ways.  Jerry was a long-time board member who brought a calm demeanor to all discussions.  As the Northwest Washington Director for the Washington State Environmental Council he also brought a sensitivity to cherishing our woodlands and was one of the initial members of the Community Garden committee.  Widely read, Jerry edited “Shadows of Our Ancestors:  Readings in the History of Klallam-White Relations.”  (I have a copy to lend to any interested reader.)  Our sympathy and respect go out to Beth.

In that same context, I would be remiss if I did not note the recent passing of Ruth Merriman.  Ruth (and Paul Conklin) moved to Ocean Grove in 1995.  Paul, a prolific international photojournalist, passed away in 2003.  Ruth moved from Ocean Grove to Washington D.C. in 2015 to be with her daughter.  Ruth is well-regarded and well-remembered by the many friends that she had during her 20 years of activity in Ocean Grove.

A third message that I’ve been asked to convey is a concern about a major burglary of a residence just outside of Ocean Grove on Cape George Road.  Several thousand dollars of tools and household items were taken during the owners’ extended absence.  A neighbor discovered the break-in while checking on the house.  Strangely, a jacket was left at the house.  It was not recognized by the owners so a request was made that a photo be circulated on the off-chance that someone might have information about the possible owner of the jacket.

(A proxy ballot for the annual budget and the directors will be sent to you tomorrow, April 1st)

Dan Näsman, Manager

TO:  Ocean Grove Association Members

FROM:  Dan Näsman, Manager

RE:  Annual Membership Meeting

March 20,2022

Our annual meeting is scheduled for April 3rd.  Because Covid-19 issues are still a factor in the conduct of group meetings, we will operate the same manner this year as we did last year.  Such board members as can attend will convene at my home at 11 AM.  Membership participation will be by proxy ballot with only two ballot measures:  (1) Approval of the annual budget and (2) Election of board members.  You will receive an email ballot on March 26th with a return deadline of 5 PM on April 2nd.

The Board recommends approval of the attached budget.

Three board directors will be elected.  The incumbents, Mary Eggert,  Eric Lucas, and Shelly Mueller have indicated a willingness to continue as directors. If you would like to nominate yourself for a director position, please notify me by April 25.  You may also nominate another member if you obtain that member’s willingness to be nominated.  All nominees will be on the proxy ballot.

During the next few days, you will receive more detailed and up to date financial information as well as other information pertaining to Association and community activities.  The information will also be posted on the Association website.

It is my hope that this will be the last time that we must take such precautions.  In fact, I am hopeful that we can resume the Labor Day weekend (Sunday) Association Salmon and Bratwurst BBQ this year on September 4.

4/1/2022 TO 3/21/2023 to 3/31/21
CASH ON HAND $2,250 $9,028 $5,200 $5,200
Investment Income $16,095 $10,067 $16,000 $16,000
Dues ($40/lot) $8,600 $6,340 $8,600 $8,600
RV fees ($150/year) $3,825 $3,450 $3,825 $3,825
Other Fees/Refunds $1,600 $793 $793 $0
Total $32,370 $29,678 $34,418 $28,425
Office $150 $283 $300 $250
Insurance $6,300 $6,333 $6,333 $6,800
Legal/professional fees $300 $0 $0 $300
Accounting fees $1,200 $875 $1,175 $1,200
Salaries $10,800 $8,100 $10,800 $10,800
Mileage/Expense allowance $1,800 $1,350 $1,350 $1,350
Membership meetings $500 $0 $100 $500
Maintenance $1,500 $1,106 $1,500 $1,500
Emergency Preparation $650 $0 $0 $650
Community Garden $500 $500 $500 $500
Total $23,700 $11,931 $22,058 $23,850
Employment Security $65 $213 $285 $242
Labor & Industry $549 $382 $509 $551
Social Security /Medicare $826 $620 $826 $826
Federal Unemployment (FUTA) $42 $0 $42 $42
Property tax $122 $0 $122 $150
Federal Income Tax $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $1,604 $1,215 $1,784 $1,811
Adelma Beach $250 $1,945 $2,300 $100
RV lot $50 $0 $0 $100
Equipment $300 $0 $300
Pet Waste bags $105 $105 $105
Drainfield Steps $2,650 $2,650 $0
Total $600 $4,700 $5,055 $605
TOTAL EXPENSES $25,904 $17,846 $28,897 $26,266
       income surplus/deficit $6,466 $11,832 $5,521 $2,159

Ocean Grove Newsletter 


Welcome to fall!  Yesteallrday, wind, rain and half of Jefferson County without power, including Ocean Grove. Today, a light frost.  I got my fall planting of onions, garlic, shallots and tulips planted just in time.

Speaking of plants, Laura Souza has a plant that has outgrown its welcome.

Want it?  Then give Laura a call 360.379.1327.

Pandemic time has certainly curtailed social activity.  For the second year our salmon and bratwurst BBQ was cancelled, although during a hiatus 50 vaccinated neighbors showed up for a relatively distanced garden party with no shared utensils, etc.  I’m uncertain at this time if it will be safe to hold the annual Swedish Christmas buffet this year.  I’ll look at the guidance from the health departments and poll you as to the wisdom of getting together.  If we do, it will with proof of vaccination and some modifications in serving—maybe another toothpick party with commercially prepared items separately wrapped.  Even then, the risk of asymptomatic transmission always lingers.

I just checked the State Health Department Covid Dashboard.  Washington state and Jefferson County have rather good records.  Statewide 80% of the state population 12 and up has had at least one shot and 74% are fully vaccinated.  In Jefferson County 85% are vaccinated and the infection rate, death rate, and hospitalization rate places us among the best protected of the state’s 39 counties.

We have had the benefit of our Adelma Beach property and our Greenbelt hiking trail during the summer.  The Beach park will undergo some improvements over the winter.  Much of the overgrown berries and the low hanging branches have been removed.  A split rail fence will go at the bulkhead for safety and open view.  Probably another bench and a kayak rack will be added.  The driveway had become rutted and Mike Stelzner did a great rehab job of blading, compacting and putting down crushed rock

It’s unlikely that any have hiked the Greenbelt in the past few days and I suspect that there may be some trees down on the trail.  If you hike there and see them let me know so that I can arrange for their removal.  When there, take notice of the hillside below the split rail fence at the parking area.  Eric’s Homecare from Sequim did an amazing job clearing that steep bank of brush.  We all worry about a fire during our extended rainless days and that concern prompted that cleanup.  He also did the Adelma Beach landscaping work.  New steps have been installed in the path through the drainfield to the Greenbelt.  An extension of the hand rail will be installed.

Ocean Grove Properties Report 11/13/2021

86 Occupied Residential Units         81 owner-occupied/5 rentals

3 Homes Under Construction             1 Vacant residential unit

90 Total Residential Units   15 Undeveloped building sites         3 Unbuildable lots

Ocean Grove Property Listings and Sales October 1, 2020 to November 13, 2021

Homes Active Listings

115 Kruse Street                                         $635,000  Pending Offer

Homes Sold                                                                      

163 Myrtle                                             $525,000         10/21/20

5042 Cape George Road                    $710,000           5/19/21

364 Beckett Point Road                        $820;000          10/11/21

5562 Cape George Road               Sold no escrow details available ye.

Undeveloped Property Sold           

(1 lot) Combs                   $  55,000          Drainfield Connection 2BR            3/29/21

              Resold                     $82,500           8/12/21

(2 lots) Cape Geo Rd      $  98,000          Drainfield Connection 2BR            4/1/21

(2 lots) 151 Combs        $  80,000           Needs gravity system                      4/2/21

(2 lots)  Combs @ Combs Place   $140,000    Drainfield Connection 2BR          7/7/21

Undeveloped Property for sale

(3 lots) Combs                                                     Needs gravity system upgrade

(1 lot) Cape George Road   $98,000                  2 BR drainfield

While considering all the brush removal I should note that there has been a lot of concern regarding the proliferation of Scotch Broom on undeveloped lots, especially along Combs.  There has been board discussion towards proposing a Covenant amendment requiring the removal from such lots, with a proviso that the Association could remove it and invoice the owner.  Fortunately cooperative owners got involved.  Two owners contracted with Eric’s Homecare to remove Scotch Broom and one owner had all brush removed.  That was six overgrown lots that are now manageable.  As  a reminder:  Homeowners are to remove Scotch Broom and Tansy Ragwort, pile it roadside and contact me to have it take to our green recycle center.

Last, I would like to note all the real estate activity in Ocean Grove.  A list of sales in the past year appears below the minutes.  Four homes have been sold and the one remaining listed home has a pending offer.  Four undeveloped parcels were sold and two undeveloped parcels are on the market.

Wishing all a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I will join my family in San Diego for a brief visit and joining the crowd of remote workers.

Dan Näsman, Manager


Ocean Grove Newsletter June 2021

Late spring and time to update on the spring notices.

Scotch broom is particularly prolific this year.  A reminder that if you pull/cut Scotch broom on your property and stack it in front of your home we will haul it away.  Just call me (360.301.5406) or email me to let me know.  The Association has a brush puller that you can borrow for easy uprooting.  We cannot provide the same service for undeveloped property.  Several lots have profuse infestation.  Some have been sold and may see new homes soon, which should resolve some of that issue.  In the case of other undeveloped (and developed) property, the board will consider requesting membership approval for a Covenant change that will require removal from all property and, if not removed, employ a work crew to remove it and invoice the owner.

Soon Tansy Ragwort will show up.  This noxious weed needs to be pulled an tossed into your garbage.

Tansy ragwort is toxic and a threat to livestock and agriculture. All plant parts are toxic, with the highest amount of alkaloids in flowers then leaves, roots and stems​.

Property sales have been burgeoning in Ocean Grove just as they have throughout the nation, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.

Attached is a summary of sales in Ocean Grove in the past 12 months.  No homes or undeveloped property are currently listed with the MLS or showing on Zillow.

The Association Website is up-to-date.  Take a look and get back to me with suggestions.  It is not intended, however, as a neighborhood bulletin board.  The Nextdoor app seems to serve that purpose quite well.  Note that Nextdoor had a number of discussion groups that can be joined.  Emails in those groups are not included in the run-of-the-mill notices that request help like identifying a bird or plant, offer items for sale or free items, or wonder if anyone else heard and can explain a loud noise in the neighborhood.

Association fees and RV fees are due by July 1 or a $10 late fee kicks in.  I’ll send specific reminders to those who have not yet paid, which is about half of our owners.  Payments of $40 per lot and $150 per RV spot can be mailed to Ocean Grove Association, PO Box 519. Port Townsend, WA 98268 or left in a receptacle on my front porch (behind the pillar)—5390 Cape George Road.

The Jefferson County Health Department, Jefferson Healthcare and county residents who have complied with safe behavior directives have done a most commendable job of keeping the residents of Jefferson much, much safer than the average county.  We have the lowest infection rate of the 39 Washington counties and the second highest ratio of fully vaccinated residents.

With that in mind, and if the trend continues, I plan to resume the Labor Day Sunday salmon and bratwurst barbecue on September 5th.  Under the current guidelines it will be limited to fully vaccinated members only.  (The county guidelines would require that everyone be masked if an unvaccinated person is present.)  Something for all of us to look forward to in our quest for a semblance of normality.

Stay safe,


Ocean Grove Properties Report   Current 6/8/2021

85 Occupied Residential Units 81 owner/occupant/4 renter occupied

3 Homes Under Construction

2 Vacant residential units

90 Total Residential Units

15 Undeveloped building sites

3 Unbuildable lots

Horizon Year of 109 Residential units.  Currently 81%Built Out)

Ocean Grove Property Listings and Sales June 1,  2020 to June 08, 2021

Homes Active Listings


Homes Sold                                       Price                   Date                 

321 Myrtle                                              $519,000            7/10/20

41 Kruse                                                 $730,000             9/2/20

163 Myrtle                                             $525,000          10/21/20

5042 Cape George Road                       $710,000            5/19/21

Undeveloped Property Sold            Price                 Date                 

(2 lots) Cape George Road          $146,500             Overlooking Greenbelt    drainfield                 7/2/20

(3 lots) Myrtle to CGR                  $130,000           3BR 2 lots on Myrtle, 1 lot on Cape George   9/29/20

(1 lot) Combs                                $  55,000           Drainfield Connection 2BR                             3/29/21

(2 lots) Cape Geo Rd                    $  98,000            Drainfield Connection 2BR                            4/1/21

(2 lots) 151 Combs                       $  80,000           Needs gravity system                                       4/2/21

Undeveloped Property for sale

(3 lots) Combs                                                     Needs gravity system

Ocean Grove Newsletter

Spring 2021

Annual Membership Meeting by Proxy

Again, the need for social distancing and for a larger proportion of residents to be vaccinated against Covid means that Association business will be conducted by proxy ballots.  Early next week you will receive a copy of the Agenda, the proposed budget for 2021/22 fiscal year, a ballot for election of two directors and, separately sent, a proxy ballot.  Because Easter falls on the first Sunday of April, the meeting date this year would have been April 11.  Accordingly, the due date for ballots will be April 10 and a board quorum will convene on April 11 to count and ratify the ballots.

Important note: Incumbent board members John Considine and Laura Sousa have indicated a willingness to continue on the board and their names are in nomination for their two expiring terms.  If you wish to be considered a candidate for the board, please contact me immediately by email and so notify me so that your name can appear on the ballot.

And now to the community news:

There have been a few reports of mail theft in Ocean Grove in the past few weeks.  This follows the pattern of an increase in mail thefts throughout the county.  Normal precautions include vigilance and retrieving your mail soon after delivery.  There is one other precaution that is available and which I have used for a few years: the USPS Informed Delivery.  Each morning I receive an email from the USPS with photo images of the mail that will be delivered to me that day.  Use the link to register for the same service at your address.

Freddie Charlton photographed a bobcat wandering down Swanson Avenue the other day.  Gives us an appreciation for our wooded surroundings.

Freddie also posted the shot on the Nextdoor app.  Many of you are already active users/observers of posts from Ocean Grove, Diamond Point, Beckett Point, Cape George Colony, South Discovery, and Martin-Engel-Snagstead (east of the Discovery Bay Golf Club).  There are a number of special interest groups that you can join, offers of items for sale or free.  Requests for recommended tradespeople are often helpful.  Go to your app store to download.

Expansion of the RV storage lot has been completed.  The rear fence was moved back ten feet and now provides a great deal more space for maneuvering trailers.  We also picked up two spaces for small RVs along the western end.  Thanks to all for your cooperation as we shuffled RVs for access by some rather impressive equipment.

And a word of praise to Jefferson Health Care and to county residents.  Our county has done an outstanding job in dealing with the Covid pandemic.  The compliance with mask and socially distancing directives has paid off.  Of the 39 counties in Washington State, we rank second lowest in Covid infection rates with 1.1% (State average 4.6%) and death rate 0.006% (state 0.068%).  In two-shot vaccinations we rank third with 16.9% having received two shots (state 12.4%).  Considering that the median age in Jefferson county is 47 years and the state’s median age is 38 years, it is a very impressive performance.

I’m skipping a financial report because that will come with the proposed budget in a few days.  Suffice it to say that our cash and investment assets are at an all-time high.

Look for the coming information for the annual membership meeting and continue to stay safe.



To Ocean Grove Residents

One of our owner-residents and inveterate walker alerted me to the fact that on his walk to the legacy grove on the DNR land he encountered a hunter.  I should have added that to the email I sent yesterday with the minutes and news.  (BTW:  I have attached that email to this one.  It may be easier for some to read.)

With regard to hunting in the DNR land:  When the Association submitted the No Shooting Zone designation to Jefferson County we attempted to add the DNR land to the resolution.  The County informed me that, because of treaty rights, the DNR would not allow that.

If you choose to enter the area during hunting season it would be prudent to not have a headset blocking outside sounds and, probably, making significant noise when you are in the woods.

Thanks to Moss Magill for calling this to my attention.

Stay safe,


Ocean Grove Newsletter

The Ocean Grove Board will hold a Covid-19 regulation compliant meeting tomorrow on my patio and deck.  In accordance with the Washington State regulations for Phase 2, only five people can be in attendance plus the household member, me.  Two board members will not be able to attend nor can any observers attend.  Social distancing and masks will be honored.  We are all hopeful that Jefferson County will move to Phase 3 soon and the relaxed standards will be more convenient.  After a long plateau there were three new cases in the past week bringing the total to 75 cases with 11 hospitalizations and no deaths.  That is a low per capita rate, fortunately.  You can monitor Covid-19 cases by going to the Washington State Covid-19 Dashboard at the State Health Department site.  The Dashboard link is on the right side of the home page.

The California and Oregon wildfires brought hazardous smoke to the area.  During that episode, Carole Goodset, an Ocean Grove resident, sent me a link to Air Quality reports that are updated every two hours.  I should have sent this to you then but add it to your saved websites and to your phone apps.  The Android app AirNow EPA gives you access to nationwide reports and you can save a roster of cities.  The monitor for Port Townsend is near San Juan Ave.  San Juan Avenue has a dedicated site that gives you current information about air quality, temperature, pressure, humidity, and wind along with forecasts.

Back to the Board Meeting

Here is tomorrow’s agenda.  You will receive comprehensive minutes within a few days.

Ocean Grove Association

Board Meeting

October 9, 2020 10:00 AM

Manager’s home (socially distanced—lower patio/deck)

Proposed Agenda

  1. Approval/Revision of Agenda
  2. Adoption of Minutes
    • January 31, 2020 Board Meeting
    • April 5, 2020 Annual Membership Meeting
  1. Financial Reports

3.1 Investment balances September 25, 2020

3.2 Budget income/expenditures April 1, 2020 through September 31, 2019

3.3 Discussion:  Investment of cash on hand

3.4 Bookkeeping assistant (report)

  1. Property Transactions (report)
  2. Updated membership list
  3. RV Storage lot expansion
  4. Gravel for Adelma Driveway
  5. Bulkhead intrusion Adelma Beach

9, Community Garden

  1. Second BR for Parcher lot (report)
  2. Reports/Discussion (for the good of the order)

12 . Set next regular meeting/adjourn.

Ocean Grove Association

Manager’s Newsletter  June 2020

Topics covered below

Honor Graduate Lou Babik

Scotch broom, tansy ragwort, and poison hemlock removal

Roadside lending library

Dues and RV fees due

Financial report

Two days ago, Lou Babik graduated from Port Townsend High School.  Lou was a scholar, a musician, and highly motivated young man.  He excelled in Advanced Placement classes, Knowledge Bowl, Mock Trial and played with the PT Symphony and Summer Band.  The Covid shutdown, besides cancelling state competitions for which Lou qualified, curtailed his graduation events.  Ocean Grove neighbors arranged for Lou to be driven through a portion of Ocean Grove where residents honored him with signs and gifts.  It was a good turnout and a worthwhile effort.

Lou asked me to convey his appreciation through this note that he sent:

To neighbors and friends in Ocean Grove: yesterday I graduated from PTHS. It was a modified ceremony due to the pandemic, and I didn’t really know what to expect. I was super appreciative to see and experience what our teachers, school, and community had put together for us. I think that we all felt very special, but for me graduation didn’t end after I got my diploma. Coming back home, just to see what the neighborhood that I grew up in had organized for me, made me so very happy! To see all the people waiting for me holding up amazing signs, new neighbors even knowing about my band Iron Weasel (which I hope you all get to hear at some point), fireworks, cookies, books, and loaded cards… I did not expect anything, but I did feel the love. 

Thank you all so very much and let’s hope for some sort of party in the future.     Much Love,      Lou


Our wet spring has been a great benefit to our gardens in Ocean Grove.  Unfortunately, Scotch Broom has also grown prolifically.  When the hot weather comes, and it will, the dry, oily Scotch Broom can constitute a real fire hazard to our community.  Owners of developed lots have done a good job of eradicating it but some undeveloped lots have reach a critical mass.

The Association provides a large (and heavy) weed wrench for pulling Scotch Broom. We will haul away Scotch Broom that is piled roadside.  You are encouraged to take advantage of that service.  For those owners who have undeveloped lots and live out of the area please contact me if you would like to employ the Association gardener to remove this risk.  The last thing anyone wants is for a fire to devastate our community.

While you are at it, start looking for Tansy Ragwort and Poison Hemlock—two invasive weeds that prosper here if not removed. The link is to the County noxious weed site for help in identifying those two problems.


Drew and Pamela Elicker just constructed a roadside lending library at 253 Myrtle Road.  Pamela was a librarian at the Jefferson County library (Port Hadlock) for years and we all know how residents here patronize that fine facility.  A few years ago, it had the second highest per capita circulation of all libraries in the state.  Only Whatcom county, with a large university student population, exceeded it.   There is already a good selection of books.


Reminders of unpaid lot fees (dues) and RV storage fees were sent to owners yesterday.  This is just one more reminder.


Each month I I provide board members with an investment report based on the Edward Jones month-end summary.  With the uncertainties in the market, we have held on to our large cash balance and have postponed a somewhat costly expansion of the RV storage lot.  On balance we are holding quite well with the conservative stance that the board takes in such matters.

Total investment and cash assets total $417,700.  We have 44% in bonds, 40% in Mutual Funds, which include some bonds, and 16% in cash.  Our bonds are valued above our purchase price and, in total, pay 3.87% in interest; our mutual funds are slightly underwater but continue to pay an average of 3.67% in dividends. One mutual fund went up 7% in May and is above our purchase price.  One is dramatically below.  If and when it recovers our equity share will increase appreciably.  Our investment income provides close to 50% of our operating budget.

The Board’s prudence in investments has avoided a serious meltdown.  When the market stabilizes our cash will be moved to a growth-income fund, with board approval.

Dan Näsman, Manager


Agenda for Annual Ocean Grove Membership Meeting

April 5, 2020

Board members only in attendance at the manager’s home.

12:00 PM Call to Order (Eric Lucas, Presiden

 Membership proxy votes on 2020-2021 Budget

The budget is included in this mailing

Membership proxy votes on two directors’ positions.

 Tom Lemmons and Don Kruger, nominees


The Board will hold its annual reorganizational meeting on April 10th at 10:00 AM at the manager’s home.  Members are welcome to attend.

 Members comments or questions that are sent to board members or the manager will be placed on that agenda

 Eric Lucas, President & Secretary

Don Kruger, Vice President

Laura Souza, Treasurer

John Considine, Director

Mary Eggert, Director

Tom Lemmons, Director

Shellie Mueller, Director

Dan Nasman, Manager

BUDGET 4.1.2019 TO 3.31.2020 Adopted Actual Proposed
FY 20 FY 20 FY 21
Cash on hand $6,250 $58,000 $55,518
lot sale
Income included
Investment  Interest $13,400 $13,500 $15,000
Dues ($40/lot) $8,440 $8,440 $8,520
RV fees  ($150/space) $3,700 $3,680 $3,700
Other Fees/Refunds $0 $1,450 $1,700
Total $31,790 $85,070 $84,438
Office $300 $150 $150
Insurance $6,300 $5,801 $6,000
Legal/Professional Fees $500 $1,500 $300
Accounting Fees $1,200 $2,500 $1,200
Salaries $14,400 $10,600 $10,800
Mileage/expense allowance $1,800 $1,800 $1,800
Membership meetings $600 $800 $900
Maintenance $1,500 $1,300 $1,500
Emergency Preparation $650 $250 $650
Total $27,250 $24,701 $23,300
Employment Security $0 $0 $12
Labor and Industry $412 $390 $390
Social Security/Medicare $1,310 $734 $734
Federal Unemployment Tax $42 $42 $42
Property Tax $600 $497 $150
Federal Income Tax $0 $0 $0
Total $2,365 $1,663 $1,328
Capital Expenses
Lawnmower $300
Adelma Beach $0 $0 $0
RV Lot $500 $0 $10,000
Maintenance Equipment $100 $90 $100
Pet waste bags $98 $98 $98
Total $698 $188 $10,498
Grand Total Expenses $30,313 $26,552 $35,126
Income surplus $1,477 $58,518 $49,312
$40K to investment

Ocean Grove Homeowners Association
2020 Annual Membership Meeting

President’s Greeting

You have already been notified that the membership will not convene this year because of the world-wide effort to limit social contacts intended to stem the spread of COVID-19. Your cooperation in dealing with this change will be greatly appreciated by the board and by the membership.  I’m confident that you understand the reasons for this unique but necessary arrangement.

In order to adopt a budget and to elect board members in a timely fashion—and in accordance with our Bylaws—at noon on Sunday, April 5th, such board members as are able will convene at the manager’s home to formally tally the proxy ballots for the budget and directors and then adjourn.  The meeting is open but, under the circumstances, attendance is not encouraged.  Comments and questions that you wish the board to consider can be sent to any board member or to the manager and they will be on the board agenda for its annual reorganizational meeting on April 10th.  Board discussion and responses will be included in the agenda of that meeting which will be sent to you.

We will have to wait until the Salmon and Brat Feed on September 6th for a community social event that brings members together each year.

Probably the most significant event this year was the sale of the last two residential lots owned by the Association. A portion of the proceeds of the sale will be to increase the size of our RV storage lot.  Most will be invested in growth income funds that will provide additional income for Association expenses for many, many years to come.

Accordingly, the annual lot fees will remain at $40 per lot this year and RV storage fees will remain at $150/

There was much activity in the Association this past year.  The active participation of your board members in HOA decisions and in committee activity is very much appreciated.  Recognition and appreciation is given to current Board Members:  Don Kruger, vice president; Laura Souza, treasurer; and directors Tom Lemmons and Mary Eggert. John Considine, a long-time resident of Ocean Grove, is our new board member.  He was appointed to replace Sean Stehura whose long-time service to the community is much appreciated

Special thanks go again to Shellie Mueller for her continuing efforts leading the Emergency Preparedness Committee.  Continuing operation for the Association has been ably conducted by manager Dan Näsman.  You will receive updates of Association activities from him

Thank you for your support of this change in our meeting format.

Eric Lucas, President and Secretary

OGA Newsletter 


You will receive an annual meeting packet on Saturday.  In a few days, they will be followed by two emails:  one  will be the proxy ballot for approval of the budget and election of two directors and the other will be an invoice for lot fees and RV storage fees.  Details will accompany each mailing.

Shellie Mueller, Emergency Planning chair encourages you to consider obtaining a Amateur Radio License.

Shellie has confirmed that the class in still on and that the facility is large enough for social separation.

From: Richard Illman <newhamclass@gmail.com>  Contact him if you are interested

There are openings for an Amateur Radio Technician (entry level) License class on March 21- 22 at the Nordland Garden Club at 320 Garden Club Road on Marrowstone Island. This is two day class with the exam on the second day.    Saturday 9-5 (bring a lunch)    Sunday 9-2 (bring a lunch, test at 2)

The test fee is $15. The class is free.  (Ocean Grove will reimburse your fee)

For this class you will need to purchase your own copy of the study guide: 2018-2022 Technician Class FCC Element 2 Amateur Radio License Preparation by Gordon West. It is available from Amazon for about $22.  (Also reimbursed)

Make sure you have the Gordon West book with the FCC 2018-2022 question pool.


Practice exams are available on line to gauge your potential weaknesses and progress:   https://www.qrz.com/hamtest/

A reminder that the Association gardener will pick up your Scotch broom If you pile it roadside and email me that it’s ready.  The Association brush puller is available in my back yard for your use.

Ocean Grove Board Meeting Friday/Board candidate request

The Ocean Grove Board will meet on Friday at my home at 10 AM.  The meeting is open to all members. The agenda is shown below.  Among the decisions to be made are awarding contracts to expand the RV lot by moving the rear fence about 10 feet to the existing property line; appointment of a board member to replace Sean Stehura; investment of our money market funds (currently $56,700); and adoption of a proposed annual budget for submission to members at the annual meeting on April 5th.

Recently, I sent out a request for a volunteer to step forward to serve on the board.  So far, there have been no responses.  I’m encouraging you to give consideration as to how you can give back to our wonderful Ocean Grove community.  The commitment is to participate in six board meetings of approximately two hours each and to help in the decision-making process.  Communes failed because no one wanted to wash the dishes.  Enough said.  Let me know before agenda time on Friday if you are willing to be considered for this position.  The term expires at the annual meeting in April 2021.

Note:  Someone left a very nice jacket at the December buffet at my home.  If it was you, drop me an email and I’ll get it to you.

Dan Näsman, Manager


Ocean Grove Association

Board Agenda

January10, 2020

10:00 AM   Manager’s Home

  1. Approval/Revision of Agenda
  2. Adoption of Minutes:  Meeting of October 1, 2019
  3. Board Vacancy/Board elections at annual meeting
  4. Financial Reports (Manager)

3.1 Investment Report to December 31, 2019

3.2 Budget Summary to December 31, 2019

3.3 Pending sale of Association-owned water connection

  1. RV lot renovation contract awards
  2. Investment options for cash funds
  3. Member request for board funds for community garden
  4. Proposed OGA Budget for 2020-21
  5. Recent Real estate transactions/listings
  6. Emergency Planning
  7. Annual Meeting Location (April 5th)
  8. Discussion (for the good of the order)
  9. Set next regular meeting/adjourn

Update on JeffCo Forestry Study Report; Legacy trees on DNR land

This email was initially intended to be a report on the Jefferson County Forestry Study report to the Commissioners yesterday afternoon but I just received a comprehensive email from the regional DNR office in Forks with, what I consider to be, very encouraging information.  It is reprinted in full below my comments on the Forest Study.

The forest study was an initial effort to categorize and create a planning structure for management of the forest land owned by Jefferson County.  The holdings total 1,800 acres of which 1,100 acres were studied.  After the study 990 acres were projected as forests that should be under a management plan, which could generate a revenue stream.  The revenue would come from recreational use and from timber harvest.  Important elements in a management plan would be reduction of fire risk, increasing carbon intake, and increase biodiversity of the forest.  Replanting with drought-resistant native trees was considered essential as the climate warms.

The full report will be available at the Jefferson County website.  Look for “Forestry Study” when it is posted

I asked Mark Benner, the DNR NRS3 unit coordinator for the Straits Division, Olympic Region, for an update with regards to their plans for the DNR land adjacent to Ocean Grove.  The highlighting is mine.  You can draw your own conclusions but I’m persuaded that the legacy trees will remain when harvesting occurs

Hello Dan

We are in process of performing an assessment to determine if the forest meets criteria to be classified as an old growth stand under DNR policy.  This is something we do on every stand exhibiting the potential as older forest, independent of the level of community interest.

Once the assessment is complete, we will have a much better idea of how this area will be managed in the future.

Relative to whether this area is in the planning stages, we would like people to understand that most State ownership is planned for future timber harvest (outside of areas with current special management designations).  We do in fact apply a myriad of policies and procedures to determine what will be harvested within a given area.  If it’s determined that the stand or parts thereof do not meet the criteria for old growth forest, then some portion will certainly be planned for harvest.  I hope the community understands that outside of what could end up being protected as an old growth forest type, the DNR still plans to continue forest management in that area.

The timing of the next harvest will depend on other factors beyond the results of the old growth assessment.  It could occur as early as the fall of 2020, or could be a few years depending up the outcome of other policy decisions affecting our forest management in the greater landscape. What I can say for sure is that regardless of the outcome of the assessment, the individual legacy trees will be protected into the future.  That is the best answer I can give you at this time.  We will certainly be sharing the results of our findings with those that have expressed interest.  I will include you on that list.

Thank you.

Mark R. Benner

I notice that the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners has “Report from Forestry Study Committee” scheduled for tomorrow at the Courthouse at 1:30.  On the possibility that this may also speak to the Old Growth grove in the adjacent DNR land, Eric Lucas, OGA president and I will attend.  You may be interested in the report also.  I should note that our commissioner, David Sullivan, will be out of his office all of next week, according the proposed weekly activity schedule.  If there is any discussion pertinent to the adjacent DNR land you will receive that information.

A few weeks ago, Steve Grace, a resident-owner in Ocean Grove made a presentation to the BOC regarding the Old Growth grove and the need to insure its protection.  You can view his presentation at the 1:50 mark on this video.

Dan Näsman, Manager

Ocean Grove Association

To:  Ocean Grove Association Members

From:  Eric Lucas, President

Re:  Preservation of Old Growth Trees on DNR land

The committee for the Lost Wilderness Old Growth Trees, chaired by Noreen Parks, has established a dedicated group of supporters to meet with County Commissioners and DNR officials to impress on them the importance of this group of trees on DNR property adjacent to Huntingford Street in Ocean Grove.

The committee wants every interested person to call or meet with these officials and continue to stress the value of preserving these trees instead of cutting them in a routine harvesting of trees on the DNR plot.  Use of email, personal appeals at the officials’ offices, and attendance at meetings are all encouraged.

As president and acting on behalf of the Ocean Grove Board of Directors, I endorse these efforts and will be coordinating information for members as it is received.

Steve Grace, who initiated concern for these trees at the Annual Membership Meeting, Noreen Parks who is coordinating community efforts, Nancy Craig who has an active role and all the others involved in this effort are to be commended.

If you want to be included in planning efforts let Noreen noreen.parks@gmail.com or Nancy  nancycraig7@gmail.com know of your interest.

OGA Newsletter


Below you will find the minutes from the most recent board meeting.  Take time to read them as they provide information on a number of timely topics.

But before delving into the minutes please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 1st.  I will host a salmon and bratwurst BBQ at my home for Ocean Grove members.  I know, like Costco hotdog prices, some things never change.  It’s always a great social time.  Details will be sent to you in mid-August

Several agenda items warrant repeating in this prologue.  Of particular note is the rate of home sales and the concomitant increase in prices.  I get an assessor’s role of Ocean Grove lot owners periodically.  It includes the assessor’s evaluation for each lot and the totals for Ocean Grove are impressive—at least to me.  Total lot values are $9.5 million and improvements are $20.9 million for a total value of $30,402,082.  At the current tax rate of 9.7+ per each $1,000 in assessed value, we contribute over $295,000 in property tax to state and local jurisdictions.

Changes are coming for the community garden.  As the minutes explain, the garden will be open to residents who want to have a personal pea patch.  Water accessibility proved to be a problem over the past few months, which led to this change.  Basha Berl is exploring possible solutions and has taken a lead in resurrecting the garden area.  Through the efforts of the Garden Committee over the past several years the soil has a very productive tilth and has been gardened according to organic principles.  If you have an interest in joining Basha in developing your own little corner of produce, let me know so that come coordination of efforts can be initiated.

It should be noted, again, that our Conflict Resolution Bylaws require residents who have an issue with any neighbor must make an effort to resolve that in an (amiable) face-to-face discussion.  If that fails to resolve the matter, then come to me where I might be a facilitator toward resolution.  Serious matters can then be brought before the board.

You will receive, within hours of receiving this email, a email from Association president Eric Lucas with comments supporting any and all efforts to protect the grove of old-growth trees in our adjacent DNR land.  Efforts are already underway led by a cadre of residents who have initiated contact with the decision makers in county and state agencies.  You will receive periodic updates.

Ocean Grove Association

Proposed Agenda for Board Meeting

July 12, 2019 10:00 AM

Manager’s home

Posted below is the proposed agenda for the Board meeting this coming Friday.

As always, it is open to members.


Proposed Agenda

  1. Approval/Revision of Agenda
  2. Adoption of Minutes

2.1 April 12, 2019

  1. Financial Reports

3.1 Budget income/expenditures April 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019

3.2 Investment balances June 30, 2019

3.3 Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses—Association lot sale

  1. Ratify Building and Review Committee approval

4.1 Residential construction parcel 977101007 (Hillcrest Avenue)

4.2 Fence construction parcel 977100613 (Swanson Avenue)

  1. Property Transactions

5.1 Sale of newly constructed residence 71 Kruse Street

5.2 Sale of undeveloped lot  parcel 977100317 (Huntingford at Becker)

5.3 Sale of undeveloped lot  parcel 977100716 (Myrtle Avenue)

5.4 Sale of existing home 162 Becker (in escrow)

  1. Association Lot sale offering Parcels 977100833/834
  2. RV Storage lot

8,  Community Garden

  1. Reports/Discussion (for the good of the order)

10 . Set next regular meeting/adjourn.

OGA Newsletter

A couple of items that warrant your attention

First, just to keep you up to date:  The Association has received a full-price ($67,500) offer on the two Association-owned lots on Kruse at Huntingford.  President Eric Lucas accepted the offer on behalf of the Association and we have filed the requisite Seller Disclosure Statement with our agent, Terry Smith of ReMax.  The prospective buyers have a 30-day contingency period in which they  can determine whether or not the lot meets their particular needs.  If it does, it will go into escrow with a projected closing in mid-August.  There are no buyer contingencies, such as sale of the buyers’ property, that apply.  Tomorrow, April 23rd, Should Excavating will review the property preparatory to running an extension of the community drainfield line along a utility easement strip.  They have already submitted a bid, which was accepted by the board.  There may be an Association responsibility to clear some willows and brush before line installation can begin.

Second, it’s that time of the year to remind Ocean Grove owners of the need to remove Scotch Broom from both developed and undeveloped lots.  When you remove it, pile it roadside and call or email me that it is ready to be picked up and Isaac, an independent contractor who does our grounds maintenance, will haul it to the County recycle facility where it is composted and can be purchased by you to put back in your own yard.  The Association owns a very effective brush puller which is available for your use.  It is a five-foot-high orange contraption that I keep just inside my gate by the house.  Help yourself but let me know that you have it and try to get it back to me in a timely fashion.

Two noxious weeds make their annual appearance in Ocean Grove: Poison Hemlock and Tansy Ragwort.  Check these links for more information.

A reminder for those who have not remitted their lot fees ($40 per lot) and RV fees ($150 per space).  You can mail your check to

Ocean Grove Association

PO Box 519

Port Townsend, WA 93868-0519

Enjoy Spring.

Dan Näsman, Manager